More Rome II ramblings

Thoughts on Rome II after being Top50, now in Top100 because I actually go to work. All archer units are pretty weak in a game where the hea...

Alpha 14 and a crowd-funding campaign for 0 A.D.

Pretty interesting news from 0 A.D. today: They are having a Indigogo crowd-funding campaign . Note that this is a flexible funding campaig...

Playing Rome II

Royal Spartans! Summer's been pretty dry for in terms of minis, but I have been playing a lot of computer games.  Right now, I'm pla...

Today: Glamour, or how to hide irony about gender stereotypes very well...

Or something like that... because as much as I think FOSS games should cater to the other ermm... 2nd out of three(?) gender, I am not sure...

WebGL dungeon crawler Moonshades now FOSS

More browser-based RPG goods for you today: the developer behind the game Moonshades recently indicated on the forums that...

Browser based MMO: Ironbane

I wanted to write about this browser-based MMO game called Ironbane for a while, but never actually got around trying it (it's easy tho...

Assault Cube reloaded, version 2.5.8

I'm a bit hesitant to cover this game, as media licensing is a complete mess, but well some might enjoy playing it and the source-code i...
