All this talk about Blood Angels and no army list.. Let's change that right away! Here is my current 2K army list that I plan to field as soon as I have the book in my hands. This army will follow the same philosophy as my other lists in terms of army design. To make things a little easier, I think I'll just break the list down and analyze each and every piece separately.
Mephiston = 250
My HQ choice is going to be the Lord of Death himself. He provides my army with that much needed Ld.10 Hood and acts as a Greater Daemon mounted on a 25mm base. Because of his amazing statline and small stature, he can easily hide amongst a fully mechanized army. His ability to fly increases his threat range by a ton, so I don't need to worry about obstructing his influence on the battlefield. Mephiston can cast 3 psychic abilities a turn; Sanguine Sword which gives him S10, Wings of Sanguinius that allows him to fly and Unleash Rage which gives him Preferred Enemy. All of these will be instrumental in making him extremely dangerous to the enemy. Remember what I said about S10 weapons that ignore armor: They pose a threat to everything on the table (especially when it's a force weapon as well). Peace out Trygon.
10x ASM (Rhino, PF, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
10x ASM (Rhino, PF, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
5x ASM (RB TLAC, PW, Meltagun) = 180
5x ASM (RB TLAC, PW, Meltagun) = 180
The core of my army features 30 men, all brave and true to the cause. The ASMs have replaced Tacticals in my list because of their extra attack (to take full advantage of the FC/FNP bubble), their ability to carry 2x Special Weapons and the fact that a fast assault-based army has no room for stationary shooting. This core consists of 2x units of 10-strong ASM with 2x Meltaguns each in Rhinos, and 2x smaller groups of ASM in Razorbacks with Twin-linked Assualt Cannons. These will be the shuttles for my Sanguinary Priests and provide that lovely 12" total bubble of Feel Nothing, Kill Everything.
Edit: The 10x ASM in Rhinos can be subbed out with the jumpers presented below. This will increase their chances to get into assault faster and decrease the amount of KP in the list:
10x ASM (PF/Infernus, 2x Meltaguns) = 250
Corbulo = 105
Sanguinary Priest = 50
For my elite choices, I've decided to go with good ol' Corbulo and a naked Sanguinary Priest. Depending on how the battle proceeds, I might keep my Priest in the RB (shooting) while the rest of my troops run around and fight. He's an IC that can be picked out in combat and has a 3+ armor save at 1W/50 points a piece. Why would I ever throw him in combat when I can keep him in a AV11 Razorback that can move 12" and shoot and still offer the 6" bubble of love? Corbulo, on the other hand, is worth two Priests in himself. He has a S5 Rending Chainsword called "Heaven's Teeth", has 3 attacks base and gives himself a 2+ FNP rule ontop of his natural bubble. The 2+ FNP and 2 wounds makes him virtually unkillable by anything short of power weapons. That's why when the big baddies arrive to take on Corbulo, Mephiston will be there to put them in their place.
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Baal Predator (TLAC/HB) = 145
Vindicator (DB) = 150
Vindicator (DB) = 150
I'll just do these at the same time since they compliment eachother so well. When I first looked at the Codex on March 8th, I thought to myself: What's stopping me from taking 3x Baals and 3x Vindies in every list I make? After careful deliberation, I divined upon an answer: Nothing. These two vehicles work so perfectly together it's something short of a miracle. The fact that Baals are now Scouting, Fast tanks that occupy a Fast Attack slot means I can take the max amount of Vindicators. Given, my list only has room for 2 right now, it's still a big enough threat that forces my opponent to plan around them. There's nothing sweeter than moving 12" and lobbing a S10 AP2 shell of doom onto scoring units, Land Raiders and things not in cover. Not to mention they'll always be moving and shooting (forward and back) so I can deny as much melta/CC threat as possible. The same principle applies to my Baal Preds (prounced Ba-al, not Ball).
Well, there you have it, my 2K list. Let's go over it really quick and take a look at the threat table it generates: Mephiston (1), 20x ASM in Rhinos (2), 2x Razorbacks with TLAC holding the FC/FNP bubbles (3, 4), 3x Baal Preds that can Scout and shoot more than you'd like (5), and 12" moving pie-plates of death (6). The presence of so many Twin-linked Assault Cannons and Demolisher shells on Fast vehicles offers an insane first-turn advantage.
All in all, I count 6 major threats at 16 KP. Not a bad list I'd say. Much better than the first sketch I had going for my Space Wolves. Kill Point count is a little high for my liking, but that's expected in fully mechanized lists. It'll sure give my opponents a lot to think about once I come to the table.
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