Time for some feedback

Alright guys, it's been a while since I got this whole thing started.

Let's reflect all the things I've done this year:
  • Got my Space Marine section going; doing strategy, army lists and guides on C:SM, Blood Angels and Space Wolves.
  • Got my Warmachine section going; the same thing to my Cygnar and Retribution armies.
  • Got my High Elves and Dwarfs going; but don't have as much going for it as I would like.
  • Got my Dark Eldar section going; from start to finish and covering a lot of army lists and strategic analysis.
  • Joined a shit ton of blogging networks to get my blog out there and share my ideas with other bloggers world wide.
  • Lastly, I've obtained over 130k visits and frequent viewers from around the world.  I started this blog in March and worked like a crazy man all year.. so this I'm especially proud at.

So let's see what I do well:
  • Brainstorming competitive army lists
  • Building strategy guides
  • Going over strategic options
  • Analyzing other people's work and giving them feedback

Things I don't do well:
  • I can't seem to finish what I started either because of work, family or lack of interest.  This isn't going to change I don't think.  High Elves and the army specific guides is a perfect example of this.  Overtime hit at the same time as this and by the time it was over, I ran out of steam.  Such is life.
  • The YDIW was a bad idea and I would like to apologize for my more sensitive readers.  Even though I'm a competitive player, I have to accept the fact that the majority of the players in miniatures gaming is not.  So... I took down the section and I'm looking for other ideas.

So where does that leave us.. oh yes, feedback:
  • What would you like to see more of in terms of content?  More BRs, more guides, more what?  Keep in mind that I'm a competitive player so a fluff bunny section is not going to happen.
  • Google Analytics is telling me that my Dark Eldar section is very popular.  I guess keep up the good work on that?
  • What about the site layout/color?  Is the new color scheme alright?  I need something that players can browse as easily as home as on their mobile phones.
The floor's open guys.  Here's your turn to tell me exactly what you like/dislike about my blog.  Oh and yes, sorry for the lack of updates.  I've been sick lately and playing the game I've been working on for the last few months, WoW: Cataclysm.  Pretty exciting game!

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